HIV discounts
As a small LGBT business, I am pleased to offer discounts on lgbt computer geek’s hourly rate to people living with HIV.
Simple pricing. Basic price only £32 per hour (or part of). THis is 20% discount on the usual price of £40. Discount applies to hourly rate only.
Most jobs take between 1 – 3 hours.
To help you get full value for money, I don’t mind combining repair/support with tutoring/showing you how to solve a particular task with your software.
You have peace of mind knowing that what I say is what I do, without the hassle or the uncertainty of going to the high street. Minimum price £40 £32
Remote support Remote help over the internet and phone, or a home visit (Tyneside/ Newcastle, central London only) may be available.
I will not share your HIV status with anyone. I won’t record your HIV status. Happy to work with public health HIV prevention and HIV support groups.
Local travel free (see below).
I am pleased to accept:
- Cash
- PayPal
- Debit and Credit cards (face-to-face only)
Travel charged at usual rates.
TFL Journey Planner (for London journeys ) is used as a guide on travel times from the previous job. As part of my green approach, I use public transport as much as possible.
I reserve the right to amend these prices.
HIV support
If you have visited this page looking for information about HIV, try these UK based external links:
NAM aidsmap
Aidsmap, also known as the NAM aidsmap, is a website which summarises HIV and AIDS news. It is a main source of HIV information including treatment options for many.
U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable
For at least 20 years we have known that HIV treatment reduces HIV transmission. But for the last few years, leading scientists agree that the risk is not just reduced – it is stopped completely.
What’s the difference between PrEP and PEP for HIV prevention?
PrEP and PEP are two ways to use anti-HIV medications as ‘prophylaxis’, in other words as prevention. They work in different ways.
GMFA (originally Gay Men Fighting AIDS) is a UK health promotion charitable project that campaigns to improve gay men’s health. Its core interventions tackle issues including HIV, AIDS and other areas of sexual health. GMFA is part of LGBT HERO, the health equality and rights organisation for LGBTQ+ people.
Mesmac Newcastle
MESMAC Newcastle offers a free and confidential service to men who are gay or bisexual, men who have sex with other men and men who are questioning their sexuality. They provide:
- phone information and advice
- one to one support
- sexual health advice
- HIV self testing kits to local gay/bisexual men and other men who have sex with men upon request.
Terrence Higgins Trust are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across Great Britain.
Find local HIV support services (UK)